Personality is the quality of a person. So it’s rightly defined as person plus quality. The quality may be spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical dimensions which should be presentable. Some time we say someone has great personality and some one has no personlaty.Personality lies in our disposal and how we are representing it matters. We say Amitabh Bachan is having Mega Personality.But the fact is his attractive acting and several years struggling to be
a great actor which transforms him into a great icon. But personality is relatively stable and permanent aspect of a person. It can not be changed but can be modified effectively.
Personality profile:
There are basically five types of personality profile which influences the self image of a person. They are mentioned in below.
1. Extrovertion (Extroversion v Introversion)
3. Tough-mindedness (Objective v Subjective)
2. Anxiety (Anxious v Confident
4. Independence (Assertive v Co-operative)
5. Control (Conscientious v Flexible)
One needs to analyze where he stands in terms of the above profiles and he might face difficulty or may get success for his skills but certain facts needs to be taken care while one wants all round development of his life.
Know yourself
A positive self image
Believe in yourself
Rediscover yourself
Discovers others around you
Focus on success
Live and act for where you are going
The famous psychologist and author of the book, “Games People Play”, late Dr Eric Berne, exploded the attitudes of people toward themselves and others. Through research and observation, he identified 4 attitudes to life:
1. I am not ok, you are not ok.(The Sulk)
2. I am ok, you are not ok.(The Arrogant)
3. I am not ok, you are ok.(The Loser)
4. You are ok,I am ok.(The Winner)
The above Facts really happen with our life but we have to be winner and we should not be an obstacle for others to be winner. So certain guidelines we need to follow to get success in our life. Let’s have a look on that.
1. Be ambitious
2. Set goals
3. Don’t be afraid of mistakes
4. Have a positive attitude
5. Don’t give up your efforts
So friends………………………..
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”Swami vivekananda
With Best Regards.
I loved this article. And I loved the last quotation said by Swami Vivekananda. This is my favorite quotation. I used to say it to my seniors when I was asked to, during my ragging days of my graduation. Thanks for refreshing it...
Keep it up!
Dear Dr.Rajib it was really nice to see u opening ur own blog,which is now a days known to be one of the best medium to promote ur own thoughts and views with the people around you and the people around the outer world,which may help them to motivate themselves to grab their future excellence.and i believe u to be the right person to do dat.ur an real thoughtful hub which need to be exposed to the outer world,so dat more and more people sud be benifited by ur extravagence thoughts. its a real fruitfull thing ur doing iam really honoured to follow u in in ur keep it up..,may god bless u in ur future lyf.keep rocking...
dear rajib ,it was really a wonderful experience about life,i thought most of the real facts of life are just present in that lesson,and i am sure that some body will use the synopsis of the lesson one day,,,i very much happy by seeing ur blog,,,it will be good if we shall meet each other in life,,may god bless u,take care
hiii Rajib
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