Thursday, September 30, 2010


Dear Friends,

Speaking English is not as difficult  as we think.Everything depends on our attitude towards verbal communication.No body is born being outstanding speaker rather they are made to by their efforts to be so.Let us take the example of present president of America,Mr.Barack Obama.Though he belongs to Africa even that to not from so much enlightened family,but he is one of the best persuasive speaker of the world.The way he speaks is the example of his confidence and mental preparation.So why not we?The most acute problem with us is our poor perceptions regarding our ability to speak.There is always one question comes to my mind that if we able to speak in our mother tongue fluently,why can't we speak in English?The answer lies with our positive imagination and effective preparation.There is a report published i united states of America that some top level executives are being admitted in mental hospitals for their fearness to give presentation in their important meetings before ceos and other strategic thinkers.Some of the people are taking the help of counselors to solve their fearness.Some people say that they are ready to be killed than to speak in stage before the huge audience.These are nothing rather a psychological impediments.Maximum times thinking about incapability of speaking makes the greater problem to deliver well.Even it is not always true that thinking of speaking the best or perceiving himself/herself as the meticulous speaker will fetch success without preparation.Rigorous preparation is highly essential to all and sundry to defeat the giant of mental phobia.Certain things one needs to take care while going to give presentation or address huge gatherings.They are mentioned below:
1.Think yourself as you are the best while speaking.
2.Fix your eye contact in an unfix manner with the audience.It means look to them but full concentration should be on your coordination of your thought and information.
3.Full preparation is the half done of a job.Be prepared.
4.Come out with examples related to the subject matter.
5.Take care of your body language.
6.Try to make involvement of your audience rather than making them a mere silent listener.

These are the few suggestions to be mentally stable for effective verbal communications.So friends kill the killer of your psychological barrier.Then nobody will be there to stop you for being an effective communicator.

So friends,keep trying and defeat the mental phobia.
I wish all the success.

Best regards!!!!
Yours truly,


Manish Kumar Gupta said...

Thanks for a great article.

verbal communication is nothing but = create mindset by innovating + generate the creativity interest to learn + instant practice in every way of life = success.

Priyanka said...

Good One Rajiv... This is the best and effective way of communicating one can have... from ideation leads to innovation. said...

Thank you madam for your great feedback.kindly keep providing your opinion and comments.

Best regards!!!